Reiman Gardens Introduces 2024 Theme

Author: Andrew Gogerty

Iowa Farm Landscape

One can still see the land as the pioneers saw it. Marvelous. Quiet. Stretching endlessly. Verdant. Grasses swaying in the ever-present wind.

Kent Baker , Excerpt from Glimpses: Iowa's Rural Legacy

Reiman Gardens is delighted to introduce “Living Landscape” as its theme for 2024 as we pay tribute to the beauty of our land and the resources it provides. The case can be made that no other state symbolizes a living landscape quite like Iowa. With 85% of the ground devoted to agriculture, one Iowa farm produces enough grain to feed 155 people worldwide. But Iowa’s landscape is much more than cornfields and meticulously kept farms. Windmills of old and new dot the countryside, creating natural, sustainable energy. Rolling hills, native prairie flowers, and the beauty of the four seasons paint a picture of Iowa’s heritage. Wildlife, like deer, fox, and rabbits, call this landscape “home.”

We at Reiman Gardens invite you to take life a little slower in 2024, to take the road less traveled, to get out and explore the beauty of Iowa’s living landscape. Our exhibits, classes, and displays will encourage you to connect more with nature this year, to appreciate the natural resources that our state has been blessed with, and to treasure the goodness of our land and all it provides: from the honey of the bee, to farm-to-table produce, to the smell and sounds of a good old-fashioned Iowa thunderstorm. We invite you to participate in, and enjoy, this year’s theme.